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Video Project Form

This form covers all the essential aspects of video production planning and allows for clear communication of your vision, needs, and expectations. It ensures that the project can move forward efficiently once the details are received and the project is approved.

Project Overview

Creative and Production Details

What Type of Video Project is this?
Script and Storyboard:
I will provide Script and Storyboard
I need your team to create the Script and Storyboard
Talent Needed:
I will provide actors or spokespersons
I need your team to help provide actors or spokespersons
Will there be Music/Voiceovers? (Multiple Answers)
Logos/Graphics/Animations Needed?
Yes I have and will supply
Yes I need your team to design
No Graphics or Logos

Logistical Details

Crew Requirements (Multiple Answers)
Post-Production Services Needed:What level of editing is required? (Multiple Answers)

Budget and Cost

Preferred Payment Method: (Multiple Answers)
Payment in Full to start
Half Down - Half Project End
Monthly Installments
What type of organization are you?
Non Profit
Local Small Business

Contact Information

Preferred way to connect
Text Message
Phone Call
Video Call

Thank you for filling this form out, it will help speed up the process with your Video Production Project

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